Sunday, October 04, 2015

The horrors of October. Charonosaurus

 Charonosaurus is immediately recognisable to its similarity to the better known Parasaurolophus.‭ ‬However Charonosaurus was seems to have been considerably larger than its North American cousin,‭ ‬as well as living later after Parasaurolophus had disappeared in North America.‭ ‬Like with Parasaurolophus,‭ ‬the crest of Charonosaurus is thought to have served both a display and possibly auditory display purpose.‭ ‬Other hadrosaurids from roughly the same location as Charonosaurus include Sahaliyania and Wulagasaurus.‭ ‬Additionally,‭ ‬potential predators of Charonosaurus include the huge Tarbosaurus.
       The Charonosaurus holotype skull was recovered from the southern bank of the Amur River which divides Russia‭ (‬north bank‭) ‬and China.‭ ‬Because of its close proximity to a river,‭ ‬the describers cleverly came up with the name Charonosaurus which means‭ ‘‬Charon’s lizard‭’‬.‭ ‬In Greek Mythhology Charon was the ferryman who transported the souls of deceased from the land of the living across the River Styx into the land of the dead‭ (‬The Ancient Greek practice of placing coins upon the eyes of the deceased was so that they could pay the ferryman‭)‬.‭ ‬Another extinct reptile that shares a similar connection is the elasmosaurid plesiosaur Styxosaurus which was named after the river itself.

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