Sunday, October 04, 2015

The horrors of October.Ampelosaurus

Along with Magyarosaurus,‭ ‬Ampelosaurus is currently one of the best known sauropods from Europe and is in fact another example of a Late Cretaceous era titanosaur.‭ ‬Remains of Ampelosaurus have been found in what would have been a floodplain in the late Cretaceous.‭ ‬However when the fossils were discovered they were now near a vineyard‭ (‬a place where grapes are grown for the purpose of making wine‭) ‬which inspired the name Ampelosaurus which means‭ ‘‬vine lizard‭’‬.‭
       Despite the fact‭ ‬that the skull of Ampelosaurus‭ ‬is still only‭ ‬known from partial remains,‭ ‬there is still enough of this dinosaur,‭ ‬particularly the post cranial skeleton,‭ ‬to reconstruct Ampelosaurus with confidence.‭ ‬The neck of Ampelosaurus is quite short in proportion to the body,‭ ‬something which could indicate a specialisation in low to medium height vegetation.‭ ‬Like with many other titanosaurs,‭ ‬Ampelosaurus also had bony armour called osteoderms‭ (‬alternatively scutes‭) ‬which were bony plates that grew within the skin.
       Another titanosaur sauropod that lived in France at the end of the Cretaceous period is Hypselosaurus.

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