Saturday, December 19, 2015

The Giving of December. Dongyangosaurus

 Dongyangosaurus is a genus of titanosaurid dinosaur that is known to have lived in China at some point during the earlier stages of the late Cretaceous,‭ ‬Though only known from partial remains,‭ ‬Dongyangosaurus has been confidently identified as a saltasaurid titanosaur,‭ ‬and similar in form to Saltasaurus which is known from South America.‭ ‬The genus that Dongyangosaurus seems to be closest too however is Opisthocoelicaudia from Mongolia.‭ ‬Overall it is unknown if Dongyangosaurus had any bizarre features,‭ ‬or even if it had similar bony armour plates in the skin that Saltasaurus is known to have had.‭ ‬The pubic bone of Dongyangosaurus is notably shorter than the ischium however,‭ ‬something that in dinosaurs as a whole is usually the other way around.

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