Tuesday, January 19, 2016

The New Year of January. Australovenator

   Much of Australovenator is missing but the parts which are known show a lightweight and fast carnivore that could run down its prey.‭ ‬Study of the fossils have also brought similarities and comparisons between Fukuiraptor from Japan,‭ ‬and Megaraptor from South America, and for this reasons Australovenator is usually termed as a megaraptoran theropod dinosaur.
       Australovenator was given the nickname‭ '‬Banjo‭'‬,‭ ‬in reference to the Australian poet Banjo Patterson.‭ ‬References to Banjo and his works were also made for the sauropod dinosaurs Wintonotitan and Diamantinasaurus,‭ ‬both also from the Winton Formation and named in the same year as Australovenator.

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