Sunday, January 24, 2016

The New Year of January. Bothriospondylus

 Bothriospondylus has had a long taxonomic history as a sauropod dinosaur yet today the genus is regarded as dubious.‭ ‬This is because the type material of Bothriospondylus,‭ ‬really just a few vertebrae,‭ ‬has been so badly eroded that it is impossible to identify any unique features for the genus.‭ ‬This makes it impossible to assign any further fossil material to the Bothriospondylus,‭ ‬which to an extent has also been used as a wastebasket taxon.‭ ‬Indeed,‭ ‬any time that new fossil material has been attributed to the genus,‭ ‬it has usually ended up being assigned as belonging to other genera,‭ ‬with names including Pelorosaurus,‭ ‬Lapparentosaurus and Nopcsaspondylus.

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