Tuesday, January 12, 2016

The New Year of January. Patagosaurus

  Patagosaurus is one of the earliest sauropods known to have roamed South America,‭ ‬however it‭’‬s usually the Cretaceous genera such as Amargasaurus,‭ ‬Saltasaurus and Argentinosaurus that usually get all of the attention.‭ ‬At eighteen meters long Patagosaurus was big for‭ ‬a mid-Jurassic era sauropod,‭ ‬yet it was not as advanced as the sauropods that began appearing in the late Jurassic.‭ ‬Instead Patagosaurus is regarded as being a more basal sauropod that is similar to other such as the European/North African Cetiosaurus and the Indian Barapasaurus.‭ ‬In fact all three of these sauropods are sometimes included in the same group called the Cetiosauridae,‭ ‬however not all palaeontologists are convinced that these three sauropods should be placed so close together.

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