Saturday, January 16, 2016

The New Year of January. Rinconsaurus

 Rinconsaurus was a relatively small titanosaur that lived in South America during the late Cretaceous period.‭ ‬Not too much is known about Rinconsaurus other than it appears to have had a more gracile‭ (‬lightweight‭) ‬build than some titanosaurs.‭ ‬Teeth associated with the type specimen are also termed chisel-like which means that Rinconsaurus probably snipped off fronds of vegetation rather than stripping it between peg-like teeth like some sauropods.‭ ‬Rinconsaurus is thought to be closely related to Aeolosaurus which has sometimes seen it described as a member of the Aeolosaurini.
       Another titanosaur from the same formation as Rinconsaurus is Antarctosaurus.

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