Saturday, June 02, 2018

Resident Safety

    What should nursing homes do to make their residents safer?
    There are many factors that one can consider for when taking care of people in a nursing homes, the medication, the living environment, the patients themselves and many more.
    First way is to make a person feel more comfortable while in a nursing home. Nurses spending time with their patients for specific amounts of hours can tell the patients that they care for them and they can come to them on any issue that is bothering them. This method has been used by some other nursing homes, like ones in Nevada. “Families for Better Care, which grades each state's’ nursing homes, is a Florida based non-profit advocacy group. It describes itself as being “dedicated to creating public awareness of the conditions in our nation’s nursing homes and other long-term care settings and developing effective solutions for improving quality of life and care.”
“In its assessment of Nevada’s nursing homes, Families for Better Care highlights some of the significant areas of improvement”:
  • Staffers providing direct care spend an additional 10 minutes with each resident on a daily basis compared to 2013.
  • In five of the eight areas that are measured, Nevada’s nursing homes showed improvement.
    The bonds between nurse and patient can show marvelous results because the tension can be lifted a little bit.

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